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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Lenovo A5S L18081 Fx Firmware 100% Tested By Gulf GSM Team

How To Flash Mediatek (MTK) SP Flashtool Firmware

Flashing  stock firmware is pretty easy and simple using SP FlashTool. The tool works specifically for MTK (Mediatek) device.

Download the files below and follow the later instructions to learn how to use SP Flashtool to flash stock ROMs on supported devices

SP Flashtool

Mediatek Drivers

Download and install drivers for your device. If you can’t find your device driver, us this guide to download and install the driver

Download Sp Flashtool and the your phone’s firmware package

Extract Sp FlashTool and your firmware package to different folders

Open SP FlashTool folder and launch SP Flashtool.exe as Administrator

Click on Scatter-loading, browse and select scatter file from the folder you extracted the downloaded firmware


Click on Download and connect the device to PC via USB cable. Device must be turned off, before attaching to pc

Once the device is connected to PC, a progress bar will start loading. Wait for it to complete. A green circle with Ok should popup to indicate completion

sconnect the device and perform a factory reset before you power on fully. Done

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