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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Orange Romania Huawei B310s-22 Firmware Version 21.329.01.00.141

Orange Romania Huawei B310s-22 Firmware Version 21.329.01.00.141

Orange Romania has recently launched a new router, Huawei B310s-22 with firmware version 21.329.01.00.141. The sub-model of Huawei B310 comes with higher security and people are using boot shot method to unlock this router. Our team has got the success in the unlocking of the latest Orange Romania Huawei B310s-22 router which comes with firmware version 21.329.01.00.141, without boot shot / opening the screws. Once the router is upgraded with our modified unlocked firmware, you can enjoy the unlocked router with all network provider simcards around the word

Orange Romania Huawei B310s-22 Firmware Version 21.329.01.00.141

Orange Romania has recently launched a new router, Huawei B310s-22 with firmware version 21.329.01.00.141. The sub-model of Huawei B310 comes with higher security and people are using boot shot method to unlock this router. Our team has got the success in the unlocking of the latest Orange Romania Huawei B310s-22 router which comes with firmware version 21.329.01.00.141, without boot shot / opening the screws. Once the router is upgraded with our modified unlocked firmware, you can enjoy the unlocked router with all network provider simcards around the word