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Monday, June 17, 2019

STC Saudi Arabia Huawei B310S-927 Firmware 21.316.01.00.1304

STC Saudi Arabia Huawei B310S-927 Firmware 21.316.01.00.1304

Before proceeding with further steps, download the following required files, which is required to unlock the STC Saudi Arabia Huawei B310S-927 [Firmware 21.316.01.00.1304 Free of cost

Extract both downloaded files using

Switch On STC Saudi Arabia Huawei B310S-927 and connect to PC with LAN cable

It will automatically open the default page of the router

From Menu, click on “Local Update”

Browse for BIN file from unlocked firmware folder 

Select the B310S-927 BIN file and update the router, wait to restart [when it will show Network LED as GREEN, means flashing is completed

Remove the B310S-927 router from the computer

Switch off the Huawei B310S-927 router 

Run the downloaded Multicast Upgrade Tool

Select Network Card of your PC Marked as A in image

Check “Force Upgrade” Marked as B in image

select the BIN file from downloaded folder Marked as C in image

Finally click on Start Marked as D in image

Now connect the STC Saudi Arabia Huawei B310S-927 router to PC with LAN cable

Switch ON the router

It will start flashing the firmware

When Network LED of router will be GREEN, then click Stop button Marked as E in image

Switch off the router and again switch On

Now run Putty software which is available in downloaded folder

Make changes according to the above screenshot in “Session” menu but don’t click “Open” button

Now click on “Terminal” menu and make the following changes according to the below screenshot

inally click “Open” button

It will open a black terminal window

Type the following command

press Enter from the keyboard

Again paste the following command

Press Enter from the keyboard

Now your STC Saudi Arabia locked Huawei B310S-927 Firmware 21.316.01.00.1304 router is unlocked permanently

Zain Kuwait Huawei B618s-22d Unlock By Boot Shot

Zain Kuwait has launched Huawei B618s-22d router with the the latest ultra-fast CAT 11 WiFi which download download speed is up to 600 Mbps. It comes with the latest firmware and WebUI
if your router prompts for the simlock code after changing the simcard. Usually unlocking of the device by the code is the recommended method, but it costs high and if you have stock in bulk, then the device cost will be increased after unlocking. In this method, we will mention about boot shot, means you have to open the screws of the device to unlock it without any code.
Only Gold Membership Will Have The Password After Downloading The Files Contact With Me


Only Gold Membership Will Have The Password After Downloading The Files Contact With Me

Viva Kuwait Huawei B618s-22d Unlock By Boot Shot

Viva Kuwait Huawei B618s-22d Unlock By Boot Shot

Viva Kuwait has launched Huawei B618s-22d router with the the latest ultra-fast 

CAT 11 WiFi which download download speed is up to 600 Mbps. It comes with 

the latest firmware and WebUI

if your router prompts for the simlock code after changing the simcard. Usually 

unlocking of the device by the code is the recommended method, but it costs 

high and if you have stock in bulk, then the device cost will be increased after 

unlocking. In this method, we will mention about boot shot, means you have to 

open the screws of the device to unlock it without any code.

Only Gold Membership Will Have The Password After Downloading The Files Contact With Me